Saturday 23 February 2008

Positive Thinking-Keys to combating Mental Wars and Negativity

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are some truths to this fact. There is an invisible force at work that hinders the mind in its ability of bear good fruit in terms of public speaking. Yet, the fact remains, It is your thoughts which determines your past, present, and future, not the person sitting across from you, or the that stranger you have always suspected to have an evil eye toward you. Likewise, just like a computer's hard drive (HDD), whatever you save or program the machine to do, it will do just that, nothing else. Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Gal. 6:7)...Junk in, junk out! Therefore, we cannot expect to reap corn in a bed of roses; we cannot sow evil and expect good; we cannot hang around people with ill-intent and expect our disposition to remain wholehearted. Hence, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. If you think negative about yourself and others, do not expect anything positive to happen. If your thoughts are:

• I don't think people want to hear me speak

• I don't even sound like a speaker

• I'm no Dr. King, who am I fooling?

All these are negative enforce and re-enforcements. In so saying, what makes you think that your body will do any different than what you have told it to do? It will not. But still, you might say, well, what about sickness and diseases? Well, what about them? Truth be told, you are what you eat, and you become what you practice. But, tell your mouth to speak those things which are not as though they were (Romans 4:17) and see what happens.

Many people including me at one time or another, used to believe that I would be lying to myself and others if I said those things which are not as though they actually are. It turns out that, the earth was formed by this same principle. The fact is, you are not lying or misleading yourself. What you are actually doing is observing your current circumstances, choosing not to accept them, and recreate your environment based on what you would like it to be. Hence, you are basically saying the following:

No to all the negatives, but yes to all the positives

No to fears, but yes to challenges

No to impossibilities, but yes to possibilities

No to sight, but yes to faith

No to failure, but yes to success

Ultimately, you are saying No to death, but yes to life.
It doesn't matter who you are, or from what walks of life you've ventured, we are all susceptible to negative impulses; however, it is the way in which we process, internalize and then manifest the information that makes the difference. Ten people can be in the same environment, yet still different; not because they are differentiated by race, religion, or culture, only thinking makes it so.

As you are now more acquainted with some of the reasons why our minds become so inundated with information, and many of which are not conducive to healthy living. I have mentioned only some of the problems, but let us zoom in on what is more important, some artillery, ammo, and some battle-ready must-knows. Frankly, there's enough evil in the world to build one hundred more like itself.

Meanwhile, in addition to negative impulses, it is often said that the devil is "real," while others believe that he is a figment of the believer's imagination- -not so. That lucifer, the devil, the defeated never-to-reign-again, foot-loose antagonist uses the minds of individuals as his play ground. Those impulses, which are mostly negative, are highly dependent upon your ability to either, accept or refute them. There is no mystery in this factual statement. First, the bible says, the devil is "like," not is, but is like a roaring lion, seeking whomever (this could be anyone, and not necessarily you) he "may" devour. Truth, he has specific duties, and they are: to kill, steal, and to destroy. He does this because he is mad at our heavenly father for choosing us over him, and he will not rest until he has accomplished his mission.

Also, we must be mindful that we do not blame the devil for our every ill-productive whims that exalts themselves and lead astray. Far too many times, Christians blame the devil for their misfortune. Some exclaim, "The devil made me do it--it's the devil I tell you!" Bottom line, that is a far cry from the truth, and we frequently blame the enemy, when in fact, it is the "inner-me" that is to be blamed. Yes, the devil may have told you to do a lot of things including, (rob, kill, steal andhate) but it was you who carried out the action. Indeed, he may say that you are ugly, and are worthless and will not amount to anything good, but no one forced you to believe it. Let's be real, not everyone that approaches you on the street with gold watches for sale you purchase; no, you first think about it and then make a conscious decision whether or not to buy. Likewise, the devil uses the same tactics. He sells and then hopes you fall for the "today's special" on evil sale and buy into it. You don't have to go out like that; turn your back on evil and live (I hope you saw the connection...the reverse of evil is live). In the end, you are responsible for your own actions. Voices should not stop you from choosing right over wrong, peace over war, love over hate, and life over death- -accountability is the key to making choices conducive to having a healthy life and a fruitful state of mental harvest.

Andrew Guy is a freelance writer, motivational speaker, an hilarious stand-up comic, and father of one. In the past he's also been a television comedy show writer. For guest appearances and other services, check out his website at

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