Tuesday 4 September 2007


"There is no height that a man cannot attain in life if he sets its mind on it..."This was the submission of Sir Rider Haggard in his timeless masterpiece,King Solomons Mines.To achieve ultimate financial breakthrough,'DESIRE'.To desire is the starting point of every successful achievement in life.

A man's mind may be either his willing slave or his merciless tyrant.When desire is so strong that it pervades the subconcious,acheiving wealth is within grasp.

Dr.Sidney Newton Brewer once said,"beware of what you desire for you will surely have it!"History is replete with list of extraordinary heights attained by people just because of their strond desire to achieve.In the list are great peoples such as Issac Newton,Thomas Edison,Bill Gates,etc.

A sure fire power,desire abundant wealth and the tendency is,you will be wealthy.Desire is the driving force behind the superhuman discoveries in the area of science,art and technology.Never settle for mediocrity.Desire greatness,desire oytstanding achievements,desire wealth,desire ultimate financial breakthrough,behold!you can never be the same again.

Keep your eye on the blog for the next stage.

See you at the top.

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